Tag Archives: #law

#FGKIA Rape Law – Even more important today than ever!


Being a law maker does not give the legislators in Alabama, Mississippi, Ohio, Georgia, Kentucky, Arkansas and Utah the right to bully women into their personal religious beliefs. And where are those religious beliefs when legislators refuse to protect against rape by denying that freely given, knowledgeable and informed agreement, #FGKIA, must be present in order to engage in sex? Anything less is sexual assault!

Every state and territory of the US enables sexual assault by failing to provide an #FGKIA blanket of protection from rape. Instead they Continue reading #FGKIA Rape Law – Even more important today than ever!

California- The Land of In-Between


California still uses the word “rape” in its penal code.

It has laws that outlaw some, but not all types of rape by fraud! It’s a start! The laws passed in 2013. The case that inspired the change was People v Morales.

According to the case records, Julio Morales snuck into bed with a sleeping victim while her bedroom was dark. Morales’s account indicates that he changed her Continue reading California- The Land of In-Between

What’s Tea Have to Do With Sexual Assault?


Here’s a clever video that simplifies sexual “consent”. It gets the point across that if you ask someone if they want tea, you shouldn’t force them to take it, and includes a variety of very plausible scenarios.

Unfortunately, it also contains some gratuitous strong language, but hey, after all, it’s about sex. Presumably, we’re all adults.

The one thing I’d add… Continue reading What’s Tea Have to Do With Sexual Assault?

The Best of #SexFraud Ignorance From Around the Globe!


Society’s Cockeyed Sense of Sexual Exploitation

Here are some recent comments I’ve received or seen, on global internet sites and discussion boards, that evidence the total confusion of society over what constitutes sexual assault by fraud and why it’s a crime. My response, when I feel a response is warranted, follows the question in italics. 


So if a woman has fake boobs, I think that should be a “crime on par with rape”. After all, we are all equal under the law, and if a woman lies, she may be GUILTY of a class A Misdemeanor….

Really? On what planet?


So if a man tells you he only dates natural blondes (wants kids one day with blonde hair) and you lie about dying your hair and say you are a natural blonde, that is ok? In looking for a potential mate, it is ok to lie about your physical characteristics? Seriously? They only true reason to have sex is to pass on genes to children, but it is ok to lie about your genes? Lie about your income and it is rape though? You people are crazy.

I support your law, so long as it is truly fair. Which means women don’t get to lie about their appearance anymore. Since that will never happen, I label you all hypocrites.

Lying about your genes is not ok Jason.


Your comparing rape to a fraudulent car sale… your absolutely INSANE! My guess is that youve been hurt by men in the past, maybe you should sell some of the cats you own, or possibly stop dating idiots… either way, maybe your meant to be alone…

Analogies may be tough for a person who doesn’t know the difference between “your” and “you’re”. You seem to lack compassion and it’s clouding your judgement.


By these standards EVERY woman wearing makeup is a RAPIST.
Boob-job? Rapist!!!!
Fake nails? RAPIST!!!!
Lies about her age? RAPIST!!!!!!

This is the FSA (the FUKED up States of America)

Gee, isn’t Leftism, Statism, Feminism fun?
(No. No it isnt.)

Neither is ignorance. It’s sad.

Use your eyes, that’s why God gave them to you. If her appearance without enhancements is important to you, ask her to take them off BEFORE you engage in sex. And the same is true on both sides of the gender aisle.

Henry Hub:

So if some little gold-digger is on the hunt for a rich guy to support her for the rest of her life engages in sex with some guy because he’s rich and later finds out he’s not, it’s rape. This is the most ludicrous thing I ever heard! You people need to get back in touch with reality LOL.

How ’bout changing reality so people don’t get harmed?

Britain Bush

My point exactly. It’s not a big deal. Get over it. We don’t need to prosecute people for silly lies.

Except when “silly lies” rape people. An easy, convenient triviality to the offender can have a major impact on the victim’s life. We’re talking about penetrating their sex organs based on a triviality to the offender. How dismissive of the victim’s right to self determination can you get? If it’s so minor, don’t do it! 


There was a time when having sex with someone for financial gain was called prostitution. Are we turning intimacy into a putocartic commodity now? This bill should be called the Jersey Whore Act.

Many of the hoaxes created in internet dating are not only for the purpose of defrauding someone for sex, but as a means to scam them for money as well. The scammer is, indeed, a prostitute, whether male or female. When you’re having sex with a prostitute, don’t you think you’re entitled to know?


I told a chick that I drove a Ferrari and she immediately wanted to have sex with me. Afterwards we were sitting on the couch and she asks “Can you give me a ride home now? It’s getting kinda late.” and my roommate heard her and responded “On what, his bike??” Her jaw immediately dropped and she looked at me and I told her “yea it’s true, I only drive a bicycle.” I couldn’t stop laughing. It was terrific.

Could you be more of a jerk if you tried? Nope, I don’t think so!! But, unfortunately, what you are bragging about would constitute a “he said, she said,” and lack sufficient evidence to be prosecuted. And jumping into the sack with you without any attempt at discovery of the facts is just plain irresponsible behavior that does not warrant a case.

RB Joe

In the end people lie to themselves and believe what they want to believe.

Hmmm… Except when they’re deliberately lied to!

Mens Rights Movement

Lies by members of privileged gender is legal, moral and good… when the man lies, he is a rapist!!! We are living in an anti-men society. Such society cannot be corrected unless Men organize themselves for their rights and fair society.

Ghheez- What about Gender Neutral do you not understand?


This is just more evidence that feminism is a mental disorder. The feminist movement is a vile, disgusting communist/globalist front with the intent of driving a wedge between men and women, undermining the traditional institution of marriage, destroying families, and collapsing our culture. It is an unnatural and perverse philosophy that is gnawing at and corrupting the hearts and minds of both women and men in our society.

No comment.

Anyone who has more ridiculous objections to add, or spots an outrageous comment from elsewhere, is invited to post it below.

Is Carlos Lamborghini’s con coming to an end? 

Riccardo Ferrari or Carlos Lamborghini?

You can help!

Carlos Lamborghini is NOT the name of the man who scammed Lauren Lazarro of Tampabay/Sarasota FL. We’ve changed it ’til additional victims step forward to bring charges. There’s safety, and validity, in numbers. We know he’s harmed many unsuspecting women who think they have no recourse.

This Italian Lothario, con artist has claimed the name of a speedy sports car and can rip you off for sex and money from zero to 10 seconds!

Here’s what happened in Ms. Lazarro’s words:

I was defrauded on a popular dating site by a man that was a complete impostor presenting himself as a wealthy Romantic Italian man that had been a cruise ship officer and presently working as a marketing entrepreneur. All of his professionally designed web pages and videos supported his claims. I fell in love with him.

He defrauded me of thousands of dollars and over a year of my life in a long distance relationship. He tried to come after a lot more money to finish me off. I think his Italian accent was fake and his name is an alias. He lied about his age. I also believe he lied about his country of origin, his military service, and his education.

Without legislation on the use of “false personation” to conduct rape by fraud, I can’t even file a complaint with the sheriff’s office. I was told, “Lesson learned,” and “Don’t come back!” So, the problem is that this predator can set up shop in town with internet dating, scam a lot of women in a local area, and then flee the area. I am sure there are more victims of this man in Florida. It was an elaborate scheme.

If you’ve been defrauded by a man whose name mimics a fancy high-end sports car, with a sophisticated web-site that promotes his, probably, non-existent, multi-level business, please comment here, or you can reach Joyce privately by using the data form on the Stop Rape By Fraud page of this blog. None of the information you enter there is publicly disclosed.

He can be anywhere but is known to frequent Florida, Idaho and California.

Debugging the Law on Sexual Assault by Fraud


Objections to penal code on sexual assault by fraud range from uninformed to downright bizarre:

  • People should just be more careful,
  • Boys will be boys,
  • It’s harmless,
  • It happens so frequently- half of society would end up in jail,

……… and on and on!

Here are some frequently raised objections, and why they simply don’t fly:

“Victims should be more careful.”

People with this objection fail to realize that sexual predators will specifically set out to lie and thwart detection. They go to great lengths to proffer and perpetuate sexual hoaxes. They deliberately harm one unsuspecting victim after another.

Rape by fraud happens to naive people, but it also happens to very astute victims who are not easily fooled. To some offenders, undermining the emotional armor that protects the most intelligent and savvy target is especially rewarding.

A victim’s “carefulness” can be undermined by an unscrupulous offender, and naivete is not a crime. Rape is.

“They didn’t know, so no crime was committed.”

All fraud takes place as the result of the victim being overcome by the offender’s vitiation of consent. But when the victim learns they were “had,” their feelings of defilement can be overwhelming. The same would be true of date rape in which the victim was drugged and not conscious when the rape actually took place.

Singer Cee Lo Green pleading "no contest" to date rape in which he gave ecstacy to his victim. In his opinion, “People who have really been raped REMEMBER!!!”
Singer Cee Lo Green pleading “no contest” to date rape in which he gave ecstasy to his victim and she had no recollection of the events. In his opinion, “People who have really been raped REMEMBER!!!”

No rape is less of a rape because the victim did not know that it was happening to them at the time.

“Rape by fraud is really not rape.”

The generic word, “rape” is globally accepted as “non-consented sexual penetration.” While different states call it by different names, sexual assault, sexual battery, sexual misconduct, etc, “rape” refers to sexually penetrating a victim who would not knowingly consent but for the vitiation of their consent by the offender. Because society balks at the use of the term “rape” when no violence occurs, however, it’s best to use a less glaring term for non-violent acts of rape.

A recent University of North Dakota survey indicates that approximately 1 out of 3 college men would rape if they thought there would be no consequences. This figure was arrived at when the act was described but not referred to as “rape.” When the word “rape” was introduced, however, the ratio dropped to 13%.

Rape is the crime of stealing sex from someone who would not otherwise give it to you.

“Saying “yes” means consent.”

Using fraud to secure a “yes” is sexual exploitation. In all human interaction, when someone defrauds you of your assets or dupes you into conduct of any sort, they are using the tool of “fraud” to take something from you. Your consent is considered totally ineffective under the law.

Bernie Madoff defrauded investors who not only said "yes," they directed their bankers and brokers to deposit money into his investment schemes. Right click to hear Madoff's 2007 explanation of how investment fraud is impossible to execute, just a few short months before his house of cards collapsed.
Bernie Madoff defrauded investors who not only said “yes,” they directed their bankers and brokers to deposit money into his investment schemes.
Right click to hear Madoff’s 2007 explanation of why it’s hard to hide fraud, just a few short months before his house of cards collapsed. His sincerity underscores the underhandedness that defies detection in con artists.

Model Penal Code- “Consent is ineffective when induced by force, duress or deception.” 

“Rape by fraud laws would punish people for wearing padded bras, lifts in their shoes, or dying their hair.”

Balderdash! A person’s appearance is either pleasing to their sexual partner or not. An appearance enhancement neither masks the nature of the act itself nor the identity or intent of the offender.

Appearance enhancements can and should be disqualified as “fraud” in rape by fraud law.

“This law is just another way to make society more of a woman’s world and undermine maleness.”

I view that comment as one of the most sexist things I’ve ever heard. In the tug of war between misogyny and misandry, some feel that rape by fraud laws favor women. Women can be just as guilty of conducting rape by fraud as men, although more rapes occur to women than men.

patientRape by fraud law would protect men against gold-diggers and curtail the transmission of life-altering illness that occurrs when a sexual predator lies to hide their health condition from someone of either sex.

The law is gender neutral and provides equal protection to both men and women.

“It goes on all the time. How could laws possibly be enforced?”

First off, it shouldn’t go on all the time, and that’s exactly why this law is so important. Once it becomes law, people will recognize sexual assault by fraud as abhorrent behavior.

The proofs needed to try a case are far more substantial than simply “he said, she said.” The police can’t arrest someone without proof of a claim, the Grand Jury can’t indict, and the victim would have to have made a reasonable effort to know the truth.

Willingly jumping into bed with someone upon first meeting them would not qualify as rape by fraud. Unless the victim can substantiate that the crime, indeed, was committed against them, in keeping with all criminal arrests, no prosecution would take place.

Judge John Tomasello who refused to give Mischele Lewis a restraining order and failed to notify her that she already had one under Nicole's Law. He also claimed that he'd have to lock up every college student for doing what convicted felon, William Allen Jordan, did to her by defrauding her of sex.
NJ Judge John Tomasello refused to give Mischele Lewis a restraining order and failed to notify her that she already had one under Nicole’s Law. He also claimed that he’d have to lock up every college student if he agreed with her claim that William Allen Jordan, a convicted pedophile and bigamist, had defraud her of sex.

Any arrest would require substantial proof and the victim would have to have made a reasonable effort to know the truth

“People will fabricate they were raped after the fact because they simply want to damage the innocent person who’s dumped them.”

Fabrication can take place in any claim of wrong-doing. We don’t fail to enforce criminal law because people can misuse it. That’s what judges and juries are for; determining whether sufficient proof exists to pronounce the offender guilty. There are so many reasons why people don’t immediately come forward after a rape that it would take up an entire post. But when they do come forward, they need proof in order to press charges. A non-supported case of “he said, she said” would not be prosecuted, even though any act of swindling someone out of sex is a violation.

Significant proof is required when prosecuting any claim in every case. Sexual Assault by Fraud is no different.

“Violent rape is the only real rape.”

Our laws have long recognized that a violent assault against a victim’s sex organs is more heinous than other types of violent assault. If the offender used violence to break our arm, we would not call that rape. We recognize that there is something uniquely different about sexually violating a person. And there is nothing that can compare to the heinousness of violent rape.

But violence is one means to rape a victim. Our laws have also acknowledged that penetration of a person’s sex organs without their consent is “rape,” Date rape and statutory rape are good examples.They are forms of rape in which violence need not be present. The It’sOnUs Pledge states specifically, “Non-consensual sex is sexual assault.”

When the offender uses fraud to vitiate “knowing consent,” by any means, they are aware they are doing so, even though the victim is not. In all acts of rape, it is the actions of the actor that is the crime.

The tools by which an offender will sexually violate a victim include: violence, dope, intoxication, coercion, sex with someone under the age of consent or too mentally incapacitated to consent, and fraud, (dupllicity/deceit.)

Every means of vitiating a victim’s right to self determination to penetrate their sex organs is rape.

Why will people will continue to object?

With all of the reasons behind adoption of sexual assault by fraud law, some people will continue to oppose it. Any change in society’s “norms” takes getting used to. Often, those changes are initially met with disbelief and even ridicule. We’re seeing that in the outlandish comments people make. But there are other reasons many will continue to object. Here are a few……

1. They didn’t read or understand the law.

2. The media continues to stir up hysteria by incorrectly stating fictitious cases such as “the speed of my Lamborghini, blah, blah,” or “I’m Brad Pitt’s best friend.”

2. There are people who fail to appreciate and acknowledge that every human being’s body is sacrosanct. It’s a good idea to stay away from people who fail to do so. They’d have very little respect for your sexual autonomy,

3. Media’s portrayal of sex, and its constant bombardment of sexual imagery, creates the concept that sex is a prize, reward or entitlement. Sex has been depersonalized. It’s become a commodity. But sex is not a “thing”, and sexual sanctity is every person’s inherent right.

4. Adopting new legislation is up to legislators who count on making popular decisions to remain in office. And some legislators, judges, police officers and others, who pass or uphold the laws, can be just as guilty of rape by fraud as anyone else. An inability to grasp the criminality of rape by fraud tells us a great deal about that person.

6. The mindset that enables an offender to commit rape by fraud is a selfish, narcissistic perspective; one that puts individual desire above respect for another human being’s self determination. Doing so indicates their ability to devalue a victim for their own personal greed. People who object are supporting society’s continued acceptance of sexually deviant behavior. What does that say about that individual?

Let’s have a frank and open discussion

Anyone wishing to state an objection to sexual assault by fraud law can leave a comment here, and I’ll be happy to respond. Folks who’d like to lend their support are welcome to join in. Please address the issue in a respectful fashion. Hurling insults, foul language, personal attacks or other negative responses will result in removal of the comment.




Justice- A Moral Imperative for Sexual Assault By Fraud Victims

Socrates, known as one of the greatest philosophers in Greek history, was executed for his beliefs in justice and the pursuit of goodness. He opposed prevailing concepts such as “might makes right.” His teachings and politics were so foreign to the mores of the time, he was executed for corrupting the minds of Athens’ youth.

From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate- Socrates
From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate- Socrates

Back then, Greek laws considered “rape” a crime only when the victim was a female citizen in good standing. Sexual brutality toward a slave or a man was irrelevant. And the victim had to be a virgin. Rape was punished consistent with patricide, the murder of one’s father. The injustice was thought to occur to the head of the household, who owned her virginity, not the person who’d been defiled.

Our laws struggled forward from this egregious starting point. Centuries later, here in the US, each state created its own band-aide solutions as society’s morality shifted, with no consistent, state-to-state definition on what actually constitutes a sexual assault.

Ownership of sexual intercourse shifted from father to husband in the colonial US. Wives who were promiscuous were punished for adultery or fornication. But modern society no longer considers sex to be the property of a husband. Rather, our rape penal codes consider the sexual sanctity of each individual to be theirs and theirs alone.

Clearly, today’s ItsOnUs Pledge endorsed by President Obama, states the concept society recognizes as “rape”:

“Non-consensual sex is sexual assault!”

Socrates identified the harm in rape by fraud. He decried violent rape as a villainous act. He  pointed to what he called “sex by persuasion,” as especially compelling because it:

“undermines the character of the victim.”

In our current era, hardly a soul would consider committing violent rape as anything but a heinous act. But yet much of society fails to acknowledge the insidious harm committed by defrauding a victim of sex. Socrates had it right; sexual assault by fraud, (his persuasion,) undermines the character of the victim!

Just as in any other form of sexual assault, rape by fraud strips away integrity and personal autonomy from the victim. And it does so by misusing the victim’s own self determination to harm them. It leaves them feeling culpable in their own defilement. The sense of disgust at oneself for falling prey to sexual intrusion creates oppressive feelings of vulnerability, serious depression…. and even suicide. Victims struggle with the thought that they can and will never feel safe again.

But are victims of rape by fraud culpable?

Not more so than any other victim who is defrauded of any other asset. In all cases of fraud the perpetrator:

  1. Lies,
  2. Knows they are lying,
  3. Intends for the victim to rely on the lie.
  4. The victim relies on the lie.
  5. The offender makes off with the victim’s valuables.

Fraud is a tool that offenders use to acquire what the victim would not otherwise give them. It is an unscrupulous act to deprive a person by manipulating their self-determination. The only difference between sexually assaulting a person by fraud, or stealing other assets, is the bounty the offender criminally usurps. And when that bounty is access to their most intimate, sexual core, the crime is rape.

Justice restores righteousness and integrity to victims

Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellences and endowments of the human mind- Cicero
Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellences and endowments of the human mind- Cicero

Marcus Tullius Cicero, ancient Greece’s most prominent orator, stated;

“Nothing that lacks justice can be morally right.”

Like Socrates, he was executed for his beliefs. For centuries, society has downplayed sexual sanctity by jerry-rigging peculiar constructs into laws that fail to give bodily integrity its due.

Considering the price the victim pays for this gross oversight, justice is a moral imperative!

Without laws to prevent this reckless and intentional act of sexual depravity, offenses will continue unabated, and countless victims will suffer. Rape by fraud legislation will prevent this moral black hole from quietly sucking society into its vortex.  It will do so by recognizing every person’s right to protection from unscrupulous sexual acts against their body.

A million gadflies are needed! 

gadfly2.jpgSocrates was known as a “gadfly,” the fly that stings the horse into action for his attempts to set Athens on a path toward justice. I sincerely hope you’ll join me in becoming a gadfly to promote passage of sexual assault by fraud laws throughout the US, enabling justice to reach victims who suffer from this debilitating, insidious crime.

Here’s what you can do…..

  • Join 50 Brave Women
  • Write your local legislator and insist on their introducing Sexual Assault by Fraud law in your state.
  • Contact any of the Legislators in NJ and tell them how important the passage of Assembly Legislation, #3908, is to you! You don’t need to be a New Jersey resident to express your opinion.

Distinguishing Between Rape by Fraud vs Emotional Rape

There seems to be a very large misconception about what rape by fraud is, and what emotional rape is. And often they take place together. When this occurs, it’s hard for the victim to separate which is which.

Rape by Fraud image

Emotional Rape:

Tricking a person to steal their love

and involve them in a relationship.

Rape by Fraud:

Tricking a person to steal sex

How emotional rape works

Being pranked for a relationship is emotional rape. This term does not denote a “sexual act” Rather, it describes the sense of having your highest emotion, which is love, stolen from you.

In emotional rape, a person creates a hoax about their character, or what their intentions are, and perpetuates that hoax over time. The unknowing victim provides love and caring that is undeserved and will feel violated when they learn the truth. Cases of emotional rape can lead to engagement and marriage with a partner who is not what they pretend to be.

When the victim discovers the truth, they may not react as society expects. People with high levels of morality and the brain chemistry that induces attachments will continue to feel bound by the bond of love that was established. They’ll experience the toxic glue of a Trauma Bond, also known as a Betrayal Bond, that keeps them feeling the chemical ties created by the neurotransmitters in their brain, enabling our species to “couple.” Please use this link to determine if a Betrayal Bond is affecting you. And refer to Dr. Patrick Carnes’ book, Betrayal Bond, Breaking Free of Exploitive Relationships for further information.

Separating from an emotional predator can take considerable time and toxic interaction in the relationship. Often victims will defend their mate even though society will see their behavior as misguided. People without a deep-rooted sense of bonding will have an easier time breaking off the relationship. They’ll react more immediately to the realization of their situation. Victims who were previously abused, or whose moral code of conduct creates a sense of unconditional love, will be more forgiving.

How rape by fraud works

Rape by fraud is an actual, physical act of rape. Sexual assault or sexual contact takes place when a person is engaged in an act of sexual penetration without their freely given, knowledgeable and informed agreement…. consent. Defrauding a person of the physical act of sex vitiates their “consent” for sex, and is therefore punishable in some states. Tennessee and Alabama have the most direct laws in dealing with offenders who defraud victims for acts of sexual penetration.

Model penal code states that “consent is INEFFECTIVE if induced by force, duress or deception.” Therefore, a person who is sexually penetrated as a result of deception, is being physically raped.

This form of rape is similar in trauma to being drugged or intoxicated to vitiate consent. Violence did not occur to overwhelm the victim in any of these forms of sexual assault. Instead the victim was outwitted.

Other forms of criminal “outwitting.”

car theftIf an offender beat a man as he approached his car, took his keys and drove away, we’d readily recognize his actions as auto theft.

If the offender pretended to be the valet in front of a restaurant, took the man’s keys and drove off with his car, we would also recognize the act as auto theft; even though the man willingly handed over his keys and didn’t realize he was being robbed in the moment.

The first act was theft accomplished by violence. The second was theft accomplished by fraud. The offender would be charged differently for the violent act and sentenced more harshly, but both are criminal offenses.

Distinctions in charging the offender with a rape crime

All forms of rape should be punished in every state. If the person were violently overwhelmed, their act of rape would warrant a more “aggravated” level of charge. The sexual assaults that do not involve violence to overwhelm the victim are a lesser offense. But all acts of rape, or sexual assault, should be punished.

Is emotional rape a crime?

Emotional rape is morally reprehensible. It steals a lifetime from the victim. It embroils them in marriages that are not what the victim perceives. When it generates offspring, those relationships exist for a lifetime, and often in a fashion that shatters lives. But is it a criminally punishable offense? Unfortunately, it is not penalized  in any state in the US. It could; however, become a civil matter if there were sufficient awareness of this pattern of wrong doing.

You will get a much clearer grasp of the distinction between emotional rape and rape by fraud by reading Carnal Abuse by Deceit, which accurately conveys these issues in a real-world setting.

Every act of physically and sexually penetrating a person without their freely given, knowledgeable and informed agreement, #FGKIA, is and should be punishable throughout the US!