Tag Archives: #IvanaTrump

New Spelling for “CONSENT” will stand RAPE MENTALITY on it’s ear!

Consent = Freely Given Knowledgeable & Informed Agreement!
Consent = Freely Given Knowledgeable & Informed Agreement!

CONSENT could be the most misunderstood word in the English language! 

Millions of people are harmed by rape every year. And some offenders do not comprehend why or how their behavior constitutes RAPE.

Let’s get it right!

Continue reading New Spelling for “CONSENT” will stand RAPE MENTALITY on it’s ear!

Spousal Rape and Donald Trump

Trump and rape

Donald Trump, by association and the absence of denial, smacks of misogyny, and a distinct failure to comprehend “consent.” He could have contradicted his attorney’s inaccurate claims about spousal rape. He hasn’t.

Decades ago, men owned their wives and children. The practice was called “chattel,” and it is still prevalent in the laws and Continue reading Spousal Rape and Donald Trump