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How Anita Hill and #FGKIA go hand in hand!

Anita Hill struck the nail on the head today in her opinion piece in the NY Times, A special investigation is called for in order to truly determine the merits of the case against Kavanaugh.

A special investigator can look at the polygraph results and interview witnesses. Simply pitting the accuser and the accused against each other establishes a he-said/she-said circus and obfuscates the true impact on our nation. Our country deserves far better!

Hill was delicate and politically correct in her approach. I’m less so……For the Senate Judiciary Committee to base its determination solely on the words of the parties with no supportive corroboration is tantamount to slapping lipstick on a pig!

The problem nether begins nor ends here!

Our law makers have failed our country generation after generation on the issue of sexual assault. Consent is deliberately not defined in our laws for several reasons…..

1. Law makers commit acts of sexual assault themselves that would be punishable if “consent” held them accountable.

2. They could lose the support of affluent constituents who underwrite their campaigns and don’t want consent defined for obvious reasons.

3. They are more concerned with preventing an increase in sexual assault court cases than in protecting the public. In reality, laws change our moral reasoning. Once consent is clearly defined as the freely given, knowledgeable and informed agreement, #FGKIA, that it is, society will re-evaluate and adjust sexual behavior.

Same story – different characters… Business as usual!

Clarence Thomas was approved by legislators who failed to see the horror in sexual assault. And they turned a callous blind eye to the problem for society, failing to prevent the suffering of millions of victims in the years that followed his appointment. Those same law makers who year after year failed to establish the definition of consent in our laws, will make the decision about Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court Judge.

Our system is deeply flawed!

Before you vote in November- ask your candidate what they will do to sign #FGKIA into law!!

Don’t know what #FGKIA means? Watch this TEDx Talk.

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