A Rapist Is Not My President!


Every time a woman who was raped, and knows of Trump’s abuse of women, sees or hears Donald Trump, they cringe from the feeling that their defilement is of no importance to society. Their only saving grace is that the majority of Americans did not support that grossly indecent man.

How to get past the reminder?

“It’s not the majority” has become the mantra that enables me to get past those reminders that cut deeply into my psyche. And it makes me doubly determined to wake society up to the real meaning of rape!

Ivanna exemplifies misconceptions about rape

Ivanna Trump
Ivanna Trump

Certainly, his wife, Ivanna, didn’t know. She testified under oath that he raped her. But once she’d secured a $15MM settlement to shut her mouth, she claimed “Oh, but it wasn’t “criminal” rape.” She’s not an attorney. She’s not the police. She’s neither the judge nor the jury.  She’s the victim whose silence was bought off by a shameless, wealthy man.

Is there such a thing as non-criminal rape? 

Every form of rape is CRIMINAL! That includes spousal rape! Whenever consent is lacking in sex, it’s rape, plain and simple! And even the criminal code in NY State, where Ivanna was raped,  recognizes that spousal rape is rape, under the law!

If we have learned anything from Trump’s eery, and probably illegitimate, rise to authority, it’s that we must put an end to rape culture in society and expose what rape actually is….. NON-CONSENSUAL SEX! And it does not matter how non-consensual sex takes place….

Whether consent was undermined by:

  • Force
  • Drugs
  • Alcohol
  • Coercion
  • Deception
  • Mental Incapacity
  • Youth


The Fight to Outlaw Rape & Sex Scam Crimes!
The Fight to Outlaw Rape & Sex Scam Crimes!

Please join The FORSSC today: The Fight to Outlaw Rape and Sex Scam Crimes! Help curb rape near you and around the world!



4 thoughts on “A Rapist Is Not My President!”

  1. Perfect timing…right at the moment trump was sworn in.

    How could a sexual predator become president? The mind boggles.

      1. Of course. Timely is always good.

        Thank you for posting. I needed this right at that moment. I am sad today…it is quite a somber day for so many.

        1. Hoping that tomorrow will raise people’s spirits. We all need to demonstrate our discontent and apply ourselves to insure that this never happens again!

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