UGA links OXT gene to social disorders










Little noticed by much of society, a landmark study on the genetic link to character disorder was released on June 20th by researchers at the University of Georgia. As seen in TwinCountyNews, a single gene, OXT, can make or break whether we form healthy relationships and social connections.

A team of over 120 investigators, lead by Brian Haas, Assistant Professor of Psychology,  found that the OXT gene enables us to process facial expressions and social thinking. Also affected are  our brain structures and the amount of grey matter in certain areas of the brain that are critical to relationships.

These findings could open the door to how we view and treat social disorders such as Narcissism, Borderline Personality Disorder and Anti-Social Personality Disorder. It could ultimately lead mental health professionals down the road to identify and intercede with greater success when parents see the makings of character disorder, or conduct disorder, in their children. Society will become far more aware that Sociopaths and Psychopaths are born with brain deficits that create their cruel interaction with the rest of the world.

Bravo, UGA!

4 thoughts on “UGA links OXT gene to social disorders”

  1. I am not certain that there can be any treatment for a disorder such as psychopathy/sociopathy, but I do so hope there can. I hope it is possible. It would have to be done young, though, as in early childhood, don’t you think?

    1. I agree.

      As a parent of a disordered son, I was aware that my child had no empathy at a very early age. I thought it was simply a matter of maturity and tried to establish how to show “caring” for others.

      Unfortunately, along with the genes that impacted his brain chemistry, he was also abandoned by his father. The two were a lethal combination.

      What I know now about Borderline Personality Disorder makes me wonder why none of the therapists I took him to dealt with his underlying issues. Instead, they would try to put band aids on his outrageous oppositional/defiance. His journey down the road to BPD was classic; drug use, alcohol, truancy, fiery temper, lying, stealing, total contempt and disrespect toward me and my property.

      Ritalin and alternative medicines came about as the mental health profession became aware of ADHD. I’m hoping that doses of oxytocin could ameliorate the callous disregard for others that is inherent in character disorder.

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